Welcome to the Wow Manifesto Program

Hi ,

So glad you decided to become a member of my Wow Manifesto 12 Week Program – where you’re going to get access to my “Client-Attraction” advertising concepts.

If you own or manage a business, I’m sure you’re going to get great value from this membership.

And if you’re a “challenger brand” (in other words, you’re NOT the market leader like Amazon or Coke), you’ll love the tips & recipes I provide you for “standing out from the crowd!”

To gain access to this amazing recourse you will need to go to:

You can then login with the following username & password:



Again, welcome aboard – & “May The Wow Be With You!!”



John Dwyer

Welcome To My Manifesto Program!

Hi ,

Congratulations on deciding to become a member of my Wow Manifesto “Customer Attraction” Training Program!

I’m confident that you’re going to be blown away with the “value” of the resources you’ve now got access to.

As you probably know, “conventional advertising advice” from many “so-called gurus” is that as a business, you need to “Get Them To Fall In Love With Your Brand, So They’ll Taste Your Product”.

I’m going to teach you how to “flip” that mantra on its head – & therefore “Get Them to Taste Your Product So They’ll Fall In Love With Your Brand!”

At last, you’re going to understand “WHAT” pieces of the puzzle you need to consider when putting together your Marketing Plan.

And you’re going to know “HOW” to use “social media” & other online strategies to attract MORE leads!

Again, welcome aboard & I hope you enjoy the “WOW Journey” with me!!



John Dwyer

Week 2 Wow Manifesto Training

Hi , 

You’re going to love this week’s training in my Wow Manifesto Program – it’s titled “Be The Expert” and I’ll show you how you should position yourself or your business as the trusted advisor (if you know your stuff of course!). 

People gravitate towards experts and the great thing is that “experts can charge more money!” 

Just ask Gordon Ramsey, Paul Clitheroe or Jamie Durie! 

To access this video training, simply go to members.wowmanifesto.com and login. Then click on the corresponding week as you will now have access to it.  

Kind Regards, 


John Dwyer

Week 4 Wow Manifesto Training

Hi , 

You’re going to love this week’s training – it’s all about using “emotion” in your advertising as a persuasion tool. 

The best way to get someone’s attention for your product or service is to highlight their problem and provide them with your solution!

To access this video training, simply go to members.wowmanifesto.com and login. Then click on the corresponding week as you will now have access to it.  

Hope you enjoy!

Kind Regards, 


John Dwyer

Week 6 Wow Manifesto Training

Hi , 

I use “events” as major tool for selling my coaching services – and I wish I had discovered the “sell once to many” model many years earlier. 

If you aren’t currently holding events or webinars, I highly recommend you consider it. 

The whole idea is to “sell once to numerous prospects” and stop wearing leather out on your shoes. 

I think you’ll really enjoy this practical training on how to hold events.

To access this video training, simply go to members.wowmanifesto.com and login. Then click on the corresponding week as you will now have access to it.  

I’m sure you’ll enjoy! 

Kind Regards, 


John Dwyer

Week 8 Wow Manifesto Training

Hi , 

Everyone loves a “storyteller” – but you have to keep in mind that “journalists” are only interested in stories that are riveting and are of interest to their audience. 

So in this Video Training, I’ll show you the important components of a Media Release and how you should go about getting “free publicity.”

It’s not as hard as you might think.

Keep in mind that with free publicity, it’s important to follow my “message to market match philosophy” and ensure that whatever media outlet you are sending the Press Release to, it suits your audience! 


To access this video training, simply go to members.wowmanifesto.com and login. 

Then click on the corresponding week as you will now have access to it.  

Kind Regards, 


John Dwyer

Week 9 Wow Manifesto Training

Hi , 

We all know that “customer service” isn’t what it used to be! 

Let’s face it, petrol stations have forced us to fill our own tanks for decades now – and more recently, the airlines and supermarkets have cleverly got us to “work for them for nothing!” 

So my view is that if you can deliver “extraordinary customer service” (Disney-style) you’ll absolutely stand out from the crowd in this world! 

It seems to be a forgotten art, but if you know “how” to deliver GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE, just watch your brand and image skyrocket! 

Check out how you can provide extraordinary “customer experiences” below.

To access this video training, simply go to members.wowmanifesto.com and login. 

Then click on the corresponding week as you will now have access to it.  

Hope you Enjoy!

Kind Regards, 


John Dwyer

Week 11 Wow Manifesto Training

Hi , 

If you’re investing money in social media advertising, you’re going to love this week’s training which is all about exploiting this “lead-generation machine.” 

Too many business owners are using the likes of Facebook advertising in a similar way to how they would approach press, radio or TV marketing – and that’s not the answer. 

The likes of Facebook and Instagram have now provided us with the most laser-targeted form of advertising the world has ever seen – so it’s an incredible opportunity for you to reach your market cost-effectively. 

In this training, I show you my “2 Step Sell Formula”. 

You’ll see that the first step is collecting the data and the second step is then to sell! 

To access this video training, simply go to members.wowmanifesto.com and login. 

Then click on the corresponding week as you will now have access to it.  


Kind Regards, 


John Dwyer

Welcome To Week 1 of the Wow Manifesto Program

Hi , 

You’re in for a real treat for Week 1’s Wow Manifesto Video! 

In this training, you’ll learn why “research is your best friend” – and how to identify your most profitable customer. 

And the reason this is so important is because when you identify your “most profitable customer,” the idea is to “look for more people who look like him or her!” 

To access this video training, simply go to members.wowmanifesto.com and login. Then click on the corresponding week as you will now have access to it.  

Kind Regards, 


John Dwyer

Week 3 Wow Manifesto Training

Hi , 

When it comes to taking your prospects’ “eyes off the price,” nothing beats creating a “wow factor!” 

McDonald’s have been taking our eyes off their Happy Meal price for decades – using the Free Toy as the distraction. 

So in Week 3’s Video Training, I show you how you can also use “wow factor bonuses” to distract your prospects from “buying on price.”

To access this video training, simply go to members.wowmanifesto.com and login. Then click on the corresponding week as you will now have access to it.  

Hope you enjoy!

Kind Regards, 


John Dwyer