Subject: Holiday Incentive Program
Hi Name,
It was great to have a quick chat to you after you requested some information about the Holiday Incentive Program for DON TO ADD PROSPECT’S WEBSITE URL.
As highlighted, we have lots of idyllic “holiday destinations” all over Australia & New Zealand for your customers to choose from.
You can see all details on our website at .
As you would see on our website, the Holidays are $97 each with a min order of 50 ($4,850).
However, our International Travel Partner, Redeem Vacations, has a Special “2 For 1 Offer” on at the moment.
They have allowed us to offer businesses the opportunity to order JUST 30 Holidays @ $97 each & if ordered by 10PM TONIGHT, we’ll add an extra 30 Holidays for FREE.
So that means you get 60 Holidays for the price of 30.
This means the holidays cost JUST $48.50 each.
If this was of interest, simply order online at & use the Wow Bonus Code of DON30 – but THE BONUS OF 30 EXTRA HOLIDAYS is only available for orders by 10PM TONIGHT.
When you order online, the qty will remain at 30 on the form – don’t worry – rest assured we’ll email 60 Vacation Vouchers to you within 2 working days.
We’ll also help you launch this juggernaut promotion by providing you with 1 MONTH’S COMPLIMENTARY FACEBOOK AD MANAGEMENT.
In other words, we are going to give you FREE Facebook ad creation & strategy for the first month of your “Holiday Promotion”, where you get direct personalised service from “our” Facebook Ads GURU!
See samples of such FB campaigns at
He’ll provide you with:
a. Your Facebook Ad……all done for you – your copy, graphics, suggested offer.
b. Your Landing Page – where traffic from your ad goes (to see MORE about your offer)
c. Complete management & reporting on your campaign results & ongoing suggestions/liaison throughout the month.
We look forward to the possibility of helping you boost revenue for your business.
But please note that our “Special Extra 30 Free Holidays Bonus” is only open till 10PM TONIGHT.
Should you have any questions, just give me a call on 0401 062 868.
Don Milne
PS: If you’d like to check out our credentials, simply visit our Marketing Agency site at